Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 1

- the kids were exhausted
- Moises is running a coffee shop here on the compound
- The national day of revolution party is tomorrow here in Managua
- We had the biggest rainstorm I've seen down here yet - thunder, lightning, awesome
- George is still an angry monkey ;-)

We're here!  Everyone couldn't be more excited!  99.9% of the travel went off without a hitch.  Pam's bag didn't make it, but it came on the next flight, so everyone is good.  It's so good to be back here again.  The upper room for worship, the huge rancho for games and meals, the Buzbee's.It felt like coming back to a second home.  I haven't seen Mike yet or heard the shofar, but I assume it's coming.  ;-)  He blows it every morning like a war trumpet!  Very cool.

Just FYI, I write each morning for the day we just had, so there is always a lag in info.

Yesterday was "get settled" day. Everyone had a great time around the compound.  During our nightly debrief time there were a few stories about the travel, being tired, meeting a few people and enjoying the rain.  I think everyone is excited to jump in and do stuff.

Today is Sunday and we will go to the local church.  I CANNOT WAIT.  I love getting my Spanish back in gear, singing in Spanish and listening in Spanish to see how much of the sermon I can understand.  It's such a great church, wonderful worship and wonderful preaching.  After that I think we are going to go out to Los Brasiles (the town where we will be working). We will get the lay of th land and see people we know - a few of us ARE VERY EXCITED.

So, I will try and kee you all up to date as we go.  Please pray with us and for us for the following:
- pray that the world of these kids would get BIGGER as they spend their time down here
- pray that we all see the needs tht are here and jup in to help anytime, anywhere
- some of us are still getting over being sick.  Please pray for health
- many of us didn't sleep great, please pray fr good rest and energy
- pray that we will be bold enough to talk to people we don't know and make new friends
- pray that the word of God would be strong and effective today in church

1 comment:

  1. Praying for all of you and excited to hear what God is doing in you and through you!
