Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 3

- Heat sickness
- muscle problems
- renovations
- at the new church
- back in the park
- throwing clay

Well, you may have noiced a delay in posting yesterday.  That would be for two reasons.  One, we were having internet issues here at the compound in the morning and I was unable to upload everything.  Two - I got heat exhaustion and was in bed most of the time when we got back from Los Brasiles.  Yeah  :-(
So, the bummer is that I got mild heat sickness.  Totally drained in energy, headache, mild chills, etc.  It wasn't pleasant.  The pain in the neck was that I didn't feel like I had done anything to warrant it.  And, of course, it kept me from helping out with the physical work today.  I ended up laying on cement doing nothing for about 4 hours.  There were some cool things that came out of it though.  I was able to just lay on the ground and hang with Tito, Victor and some other kids.  Since I was immobile they could just come find me, sit on me and hang out.  That was kind of fun.  The second thing is that toward the end of the day the group decided to go back to the park, do a mini VBS, sing and play with the kids for about two hours.  Terry asked me if I was able to do it, I said I doubt it.  But, I hopped in the truck and prayed on the way, Lord, I need 30 more minutes of energy to get me through today.".  And yes, He gave it to me.  We had a wonderful time.
The other issue we have had was M'Cheyne woke up with a horrible muscle "crick" in his neck and shoulder.  It got progressively worse throughout the day to the point that he could hardly move.  Numerous people worked on him to try and help (ask Maddie about rubbins).  He and I were both on the concrete yesterday.  He still hurts pretty bad today.  Please pray that it would loosen up so that he doesnt have to spend another day on the side lines.  It's miserable watching other people work and not being able to help.
Renovations at Imagine ministry happened today too.  Coburn is putting in some sod and pavers fo walking in the back of the club. This meant clearing weeds, dirt, rocks, leveling it, edging it, dumping top soil and gettign it ready.  The whole team worked really hard.  No complaining, no grumbling.  It was tough work, but everyone got it done.  And yes, there is more work to be done today.
There is a new church in Los Brasiles.  The pastor that came has set up a brand new structure in town.  It has about 8 benches and a raised platform and small podium.  He is running a feeding program out of this church as well and I think he is feeding lunch to abut 80 kids 3 times a week.  Now THAT is how you meet a need.  It was great to go to the church, do a VBS with 30-40 kids in a 12x20 space, love on them and be a part of this new minstry that is happening.
SO many of the kids are being pulled out of their shells this week.  It might be by doing skits or having to interact more with others or play with kids that don't speak their language, but they are growing.  It happens every time and it is so wonderful to see.
Like I mentioned earlier, toward the end of our work day we went back to the park. (This is teh park where we started building the cement soccer court)  It's still there, freshly painted wih metal goal structures and everything.  Kids were playing on it all the time.)  We had another VBS, Luis played with bubbles, Hope helped translate (one of the Buzbee daughters). It can be tough to get people excited and animated in the heat of the day, but we had a lot of fun with them.
Lastly, we got to see Katie's new pottery room.  She has a small throwing wheel and sink installed now and should have the kiln next week.  She is so excited to get this 5 year ministry and plan off the ground.  The idea is to train, in 3-5 years a handful of Nicaragun women to do pottery for sale here and in the U.S.  Katie is very talented and has a huge heart to help build sustainable income for families.  Helping women here learn skills can be a backbone to rebuilding broken families and helping them move forward instead of being stuck in the same frsutrating poverty forever.  Please pray that God would help Katie (and her soon to be husband) in this ministry!
Well, that'sabout it for today (yesterday).  Just FYI, it's morning the net day and I feel a lot better.  I think I'll be good as long as I'm careful in the sun. So, please pray for:
- continued energy and health for everyone
- for M'Cheyne and his hurting neck and shoulder
- for our patience and flexibility as we figure out what we are going to be doing each day
- for the full-time missionaries and summer interns that are here long-term doing this work every day
- that our VBS at the school today with about 80 kids would be fun, exciting and loving with the whole team

Thanks to everyone who has suported all of us this week financially, in prayers, or both.  You are with us in all of this!!

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